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Servus #12

-Elimination of the Supplementary Earnings Limit for Early Retirement Pensions

-Pension Reform Standstill

-Citizen’s Income

-Calculation Parameters in Social Insurance 2023

-PSV Contribution

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Servus #11

-Tax- and Social Security-free Inflation Compensation

-Introduction of a Citizen’s Income

-BMF Letter on the admissibility of Unit-linked reinsurance for Provident Funds

-Case Law: BAG on Employer Subsidies in the Context of Deferred Compensation

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Servus #9

-New developments in the social partner model

-PSVaG: declining insolvency activity in 2021

-New BMF letter on company pension schemes

-Case law: employer allowance

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Servus #8

-Significant increase in statutory pensions as of 01.07.2022

-Exit from the entry into funded pension insurance

-Pension obligations of Dax 40 companies

-False start for pan-European pension products

-Case law: Garnishment Protection in the Context of a Deferred Compensation Scheme

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Servus #7

-20 years of Riester pension

-Pension insurance report 2021

-Pension obligations of Dax 40 companies

-Case law: pension commitment as hidden profit distribution

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Servus #6

-Post-election reading of the Federal Elections: pension plans in the coalition agreement

-Increase in statutory pensions as of 01.07.2022

-Adjustment of the social security contribution rates and their impact on occupational pensions

-Setting the PSV contribution rate for 2021 at 0.6


-Case law: reduced earning capacity pension

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Servus #4

-Corona and Pensions

-Company Pension Strengthening Act – Update

-Double Taxation of Pensions

-Benchmarking Report 2021

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